Whisky Heart Chocolate: A Multifunctional Packaging Design

Combining Delicious Taste and Entertainment

Whisky Heart Chocolate is a unique packaging design created by Lu Zhao, Jian Zhang, and Chaoyi Wang. Inspired by the desire to reduce waste and provide a reusable packaging solution, this design combines the love for chocolate with the popular game of chess.

The Whisky Heart Chocolate packaging is designed specifically for black liquor heart chocolates. When unfolded, the boutique chocolate box transforms into a chessboard. Each chocolate monomer packaging can be opened along the polyline and folded to become a chess piece. The number of chocolates corresponds to the number of chess pieces, providing both a delicious treat and an entertaining game.

The innovative design of Whisky Heart Chocolate sets it apart from other packaging designs. It not only satisfies the taste buds but also offers a unique form of entertainment. By combining the love for chocolate with the popular game of chess, this packaging design creates a memorable and interactive experience for consumers.

The realization of this design involves the use of ductile environmental protection hard thick cardboard for the outer packaging and ductile thin cardboard for each individual package. The printing process utilizes four-color printing for the outer packaging and spot color printing for the individual packaging seals.

With dimensions of 40 * 20 * 3cm for the overall size, the expanded chessboard size is 40 * 40 * 3cm, and each individual package measures 4 * 4 * 5.5cm. The packaging materials are easy to fold and do not require any special printing processes.

Whisky Heart Chocolate is not only a visually appealing and functional packaging design but also promotes sustainability by encouraging reuse. After enjoying the chocolates, consumers can fold the packaging along the designer's designated lines and transform it into a chess set, extending the life of the packaging and providing ongoing entertainment.

The Whisky Heart Chocolate packaging design project started in April 2015 in Dalian, China, and was completed in May 2015. Throughout the project, the designers focused on creating a multi-functional package that could be reused after consumption, contributing to the concept of environmental protection.

This innovative packaging design has received recognition and acclaim. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Packaging Design category in 2017. The award acknowledges the outstanding creativity and resourcefulness of the design, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. Whisky Heart Chocolate exemplifies strong technical and creative skills while contributing to improvements in quality of life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lu Zhao
Image Credits: Lu Zhao
Project Team Members: Creative Director:Lu Zhao Designer:Jian Zhang Designer:Chaoyi Wang
Project Name: B&W chocolate packaging design
Project Client: Lu Zhao

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